A insecurity complex that manifests itself as arrogance, abrasive, cocky and pompous behavior.
I honestly believe that he acts so abrasivly arrogant in order to compensate for how short he is. Everyone knows a man who is so insecure about his height or himself in general comes across that way. For sure, this guy has a porcupine complex by using his harsh, pompous and cocky characteristics as his shield of armor.
by A Frayed Knot by EdgyZen February 5, 2018
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Exclusively applies to trading card game (TCG) players. The act of reading card text up to the point where it is beneficial to the player and stopping before restrictions or negative part of the effect. This also applies if the player starts reading half way through to the point they want
Card text: if you control no monsters, draw two card
Player 1: this card allows me to draw 2 cards
Player 2: but you have a monster
Player 1: so
Player 2: read the card
Player 1: it says "draw 2 cards"
Player 2 *facepalms*: read immediately before it
Player 1: if you control no monsters....ohhhhhh
Player 2: you have such a tjay complex...

This class of players and name is coined after its most profilic progenitor tjay.
by darkestshadow September 4, 2019
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Different to a normal one armed pushup, a complex one armed pushup is done like a pushup when you straighten out your legs but with one hand, a normal one armed pushup is done on your knees which makes a difference between these 2 exercises.
complex one armpushup is done on your knees
by Anrickdagoat March 20, 2023
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A complex where someone thinks everyone around them is an idiot really.
The girl was the first one to tell Travis Scott about the dead body, that sounds kind of like the hero complex they describe on Criminal Minds. Kind of like the one that pushes somebody on the train tracks yelling for them to get off the tracks or calling for help.
by The Original Agahnim November 8, 2021
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The mental complex that they can do no wrong, and that anyone against them or their goals is a one-dimensional villain. Not to be confused with narcism.
His Hero Complex wouldn't allow him to acknowledge the harm his "emancipation" had caused.
by WordmcWordface October 13, 2023
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When someone loses a parent and makes it their whole personality to the point of annoyance.

someone: *exists*
person with the Katara complex : "my mother used to exist"
everyone else : "shut up ab your mother, no-one cares"
by pole101 August 23, 2023
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You are minding your own business and this guy hates his job as bored to tears.
You been here over an hour and did II tell you , "I am doing this because I have MARKSMAN DICK COMPLEX as my superior has a much bigger DICK as I snuck a peak at the urinals before they erected the urinal walls but you must exit the property immediately and dumb ass bus rider " as I have a bus pass";, " I don't care".