A sex position which includes placing your ballsack on top of the girls eyes, almost like goggles and then spinning so that your balls rotate across her eyelids.
Hey Rick, me and my girlfriend performed the backwards goggles last night!
by Storythistle March 9, 2017
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To be on mushrooms or other psychedelic's.

Referring to the phenoma whereby your altered perspective produces an affect the otherwise mundane world around you as strange and bizarre, as though you were a visitor from another planet seeing humankind for the first time.
"Yeah, I went to my sister's wedding with Alien Goggles on. I never realized how fucked up so many parts of a wedding are if you take a step back and think about them.
by Some Queer Weirdo November 9, 2021
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Verb. When a person goes anywhere in public and gets creepily stared at by the opposite sex for an extended and uncomfortable period of time. The goggling is perpetrated by a creepy person. The term goggle represents large, wide eyes;
I’m walking out of the store. I got perv goggled so bad in there.
by Ikkinay Elaneyday September 4, 2022
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derived from the term google-oggling, which refers to the act of oggling stuff people google.

It is mostly used in the depths of IRC channels, but has recently made it's way to the surface as a mainstream phrase.
he spent his time goggling the women on his google image search for 'garter'.
by Hexbomber January 4, 2011
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The phenomenon of being attracted to two people when they’re together, but not so much as individuals. Usually occurs when said people are in a relationship or are an item of some kind, but not necessarily. May or may not be a sign of having a group sex kink.
I went on a date and hooked up with this couple I met from online and it was hot af, but when I was with them separately later, I wasn’t really into it and realized I’d been seeing them through couple goggles.
by zealasquigs March 2, 2023
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When you've been hanging around dudes for so long that any female seems incredibly attractive.
Ben's been at the bury for 3 months straight. His 'bury goggles are probably inches thick.
by FuckCrabGuy June 22, 2018
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