When you’re on the job and you pull out and aim for their face and yell, “CHEERS, PIG FUCKAH!”
I was slamming bae the other night and polished it off with a righteous Dusty Ocho 👌
by Daigleicious June 3, 2022
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Him: hey babe would you send me a pic
Her: of my dusty starfish? Sure <3
by doughnuthoee October 2, 2022
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It had been a while since someone had blown in my dusty cartridge, but man it felt good
by Andyb123123 April 15, 2023
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When your snorting illicit drugs out of a female’s asshole, and you sneeze blowing all the product into the air.
Did you hear that Wax got caught with Lynn doing the dusty snorkler
by Jt king February 8, 2018
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after violent diarrhea the person allows it to completely dry, before engaging in rough anal intercourse. the action from said anal intercourse powders the diarrhea leaving the taint covered in diarrhea dust!
Dude #1 Dude whats that smell?
Dude #2 this guy i banged last night gave me a dusty taint and i need a shower.
by Dickless Santorum June 6, 2015
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The dusty sponge is a sexual act in which the dominator (usually male) artificially increases the size of an (usually womans) asshole to the point where he can insert a fist. He then grabs his dick and cums in her asshole, spits in her asshole and then proceeds to fist her with a sponge in his hand, collecting all of the juices he proceeds to grab her hair from behind and squeeze the sponge over her eyes.
Mark: Yo bro you see Paul do The Dusty Sponge to Robert last weekend?
Brian: Yeah bro shit was insane!
by The Dusty Sponge November 26, 2022
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A mid to late 30s white male with a receding hairline, and to top it off a head shaped like a thumb.
Wow look at that bloke, he looks like a dusty thumb!
by Ladyford September 23, 2017
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