Me: hey peter your a wet dog of wet
Peter: Oi blud dont get rude
(I pull out mac-10 n eliminate him)
by marcsmith August 21, 2007
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Dog pie is an American dish used around the holidays. It involves baking a dog and putting it into a baked good, aka, pies.
last thanksgiving was so boring bro

ikr we didn't even get dog pie
by FeetDestroyer March 8, 2022
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Someone mixed who thinks they got shit cuz they are half back. They commonly scream nigga and try to square up. The only way to repel the faggots are to spray water at their bitch ass
by 9iner9iner I broke my dick September 16, 2019
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When you make your wife eat a corn dog, and then make her vomit it out and listen to George Strait for 3 hours
Well Diane, do the royalton corn dog for a romantic night!
by HMan98 April 28, 2022
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A person who is very sexual active. They typically get it on a lot, whenever, wherever.
Yo man, did you hear what Hayden did last night?
Nah, I didn’t.

Dudes a dirty, dirty dog
Classic Hayden
by PBOTT October 6, 2021
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when youre doing doggy style and she starts eating dill pickle and his breath starts smelling like doodoo so you spit in his mouth and he throws up and you cum in his mouth
hey what were you and jill up to last night we were doing a dirty dog
by imaginarygirlfriend January 12, 2022
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when a he/she is mega horny.

a girl who is a hoe and is always fucking some one
person 1: ooooh u dirty dog

person 2: stfu u wanger
by Minecraft.epic.gamer November 26, 2019
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