The juices that come out of a big sweaty minge.
I don't want no cows milk on my cornflakes! I want your moms juicy minge milk!
by Darraghdaly May 4, 2015
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A crucial moment in a relationship in which the future of the relationship (and therefore possible sexual relations) hangs in the balance.
Jake: How's it going with you and Sarah?

Ed: I'm not sure man, I think i've reached the minge hinge.
by trigger_hippy October 16, 2010
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The act of blinging up a minge via the use of cheap diamond fakery.
Hey Girlfriend, my Vag-jay-jay is looking lush since I had 169 cubic zirconia's super-glued to it! Check out my Minge Bling!
by Ratskrad January 19, 2011
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When the thong slips between the lips and rubs while she walks
by Oisay December 1, 2021
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The text response to a mate who is completely spangled and sends you a nonsensical text message. It tells them that they are talking complete bollocks so rational replies aren't required
Hey, I was thinking on Saturday, No Friday what am I talking that we could nnnnnnnnsjdfjdfjdsdj

Ming Ming Nah Nah
by Olsburger September 7, 2016
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