Gullett swimmers are sperm that make it to a woman's throat and swim down...all good girls should enjoy Gullett Swimmers.
Mary enjoys swallowing gullett swimmers as opposed to taking sperm in her vagina.
by thebumpasspodcast October 7, 2017
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Somebody very active in the gay watersports community
Person 1: Hey! I heard that you’re an active swimmer.

Person 2: Yeah. I spend on day watching piss kink videos on Reddit.
by PatForPrez August 21, 2022
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A Huggies brand of diaper, commonly misconstrued for more vulgar imagery.
I just bought some little swimmers for my nephew
by Heathcote 008 April 14, 2023
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Term for an individual who performs vasectomies. (The surgical procedure where the vasa deferentia of a man are severed, and then tied in order to prevent one's sperm (swimmers) from ejaculating.
I have to visit the swimmer trimmers and have my dick snipped.
by bsslegel March 6, 2010
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A person lacking in good looks, usually found skulking in dark corners of bars and clubs awaiting an inebriated passerby to kidnap.
There I was, minding my own, enjoying a nice drink and a boogie, when I woke up in a strange room and realised I'd been swill swimming.

Christ, hide your lunch, it's a swill swimmer!
by Bear75 February 9, 2009
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When you're fingering a girl and give her a wet willy with said finger(s)
by Brett Short November 18, 2010
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Another term for low sperm count.

Basically saying when a male doesn't have a high sperm count, or when the sperm dies before reaching the egg, it's nearly impossible to father a child with a female. There have been cases when a male with a low sperm count can actually father a child, but for many others, it's impossible unless their female counterpart is highly fertile or when one of the sperm actually does make it to the egg.
Joe: Hey, man, did you hear. Mike got lazy swimmers, so he can't be a dad like he wanted to be.

Sam: Damn, that sucks.
by Elektra_Stone November 10, 2010
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