A person who is in love with his truck and wouldn't trade it in for anything even if you destroyed it.
That truck sure belongs to a pick up man.
by Lil buddy Jr. June 17, 2015
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What Joe Biden said to Donald Trump during the first presidential debate of 2020. This has gotten tons of media attention as many people see Trump as a giant manbaby.
Trump: The economy blah blah blah the stocks waaaaah! WHY DU I NEVUR GAT WUT I WAANT? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Biden: will you shut up man
by TROLLKING9001 September 30, 2020
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Only the most courageous people can say this... to the president of the united fucking states. Also has become a meme.
Person 1: As I was saying-
Person 2: *interrupts about five thousand times*
Person 1: Will you shut up, man?
by alksjfhaksdfh September 30, 2020
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One of the most memorable lines from the first Presidential Debate of the 2020 US election. After constant interruption by then President Trump, former Vice President Biden retorted "Will You Shut Up Man?".
"Who is on your list Joe?"
"Will you shut up man?"
by George's_Bush March 4, 2021
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a memorable quote from the presidential debate in September.
"...Radical Left...."
"Will you shut up man?"
"Who is on your list Joe? Who is on your list?"
by AntiBasicSnapchatter October 1, 2020
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"I heard Jon was a pissed off UPS man tuesday."
"Yeah... He almost ripped his dick off."
by Editor man March 4, 2008
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An urban legend in Liverpool. Goes round the Matthew street bars buying bottles of Prosecco and handing out £20 top up cards to all the local scouse birds who need them.
by Liverpool One December 31, 2022
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