"I can't wait til next shore leave so I can get some fuckin' poontang."
by Janky Jank November 18, 2006
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When one acquires a new kitten or cat and must have paid or unpaid leave from work to revel in all it's feline glory. Similar to maternity or paternity leave.
Andrea just got a new kitten from the pound. All she wants to do is stay home, take pictures and feed him Temptations, so she went on Caternity Leave.
by AdotWdotB January 3, 2017
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After nutting on a partners back, stand up and drop a saucy deuce in the same area previously nutted on, then back up and run full force and slip and slide on your shizz mixture out the front door.
“Yo, how was your night with Tay Tay?”
“‘Twas delightful. We had relations and upon producing my ejaculate, I pulled a greasy leavings betwixt her scapula, post haste!”
by Rey McSriff November 14, 2019
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Time off work to address---or more likely revel in---the train wreck of your life. You're not sick, it's not a vacation, and it's not really an emergency except in your own head.
I heard the receptionist arguing with someone on her cell last night, and she's a no show, no call today. I guess she's taking drama leave.
by brewdog July 11, 2008
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The vaginal equivalent of blue balls. When one is sexed up, but then led on by their partner.
Lesbian 1: WHAT! You mean she just left you mid bang?
Lesbian 2: Yah man, she gave me blue leaves.
by Cj what's her face June 27, 2016
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Leaving the dick bag at home before stuffing a broad like a christmas goose; filling shorties like boston cream pie doughnuts
Bro #1: How was it bro? Did you split the check?

Bro #2: Not only did we split the check, but I also got to go back to her crib and leave the change
by EstebanSXSW March 19, 2010
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