The sludge that develops and mutates on every conceivable flat surface during a party. Basically the forensic evidence of the night's tom foolery.
"Did you see the emo kid sneak into the smoking room after everyone came out? He couldn't find any roaches i guess cause he swept up some party gunk off the ashtray and....oh yes he did."
by Nando the shmeh November 17, 2010
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A Gunk Princess is a girl (Or sometimes guy) who loves both Punk Music and Goth Music. People who are a Gunk Princess always dress original and are the arch nemesis of the poseur Avril.
sylents from livejournal
by Angie May 25, 2004
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Someone who likes flinging his gunk around like a rampant baboon
John: Aidan really shouldn't be running around that mall like a "Gunk Monkey"!

Mandrew: I know, he's acting like a total spaff wagon
by MamboRambo December 20, 2010
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The feces that builds up on a sweaty neck beards butt, that proceeds to itch after a while.
Dude i couldn't sleep last night i have some Gamer Gunk down there
by Nzahm287 September 29, 2021
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u term used when one ejaculates all over his hand
jon- hey man whats all over yo hand?
craig-its rsnch dressing
jon-Bullshit i think u just spa-gunked all up on yo self bitch
by cacka craig June 19, 2005
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to be in a state of total drunkiness unable to function without acting like a complete moron
Look at that gargy he is all gunked up.
by Will Morsey November 11, 2003
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Combination of goth and punk music
Goth + punk= Gunk
by John March 6, 2003
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