A word used for a person of african descent.....nigger
Black guy: Help a brotha!!!

KKK: Catch that damn night gerbil!!!
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a middle aged man who is a social studies teacher you HATE. he is annoying, unfair, and rude.
me: *goes to the bathroom*

by thisiswhomadethis <3 May 13, 2021
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A gerbil pig is what you call that one cute friend that may or may look like a guinea pig. The name originates from a gerbil mixed with a guinea pig. Pronounced with a hard G. (Ger-bul-pig)
Person 1: Wow that guys kinda cute, but he has kinda weird teeth.

Person 2: He must be a Gerbil Pig!!!
by JChappy2 July 13, 2014
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A bottom that only eats edamame, seaweed and popcorn.
Aldo, "Mannie only eats popcorn, edemame, seaweed and dick."

Tiff, "Omg I know right he's such a gerbil hoe!"
by Wolfany May 17, 2017
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Having a woman inhale helium right before orgasm, so her moans of pleasure are extremely high pitched.
Dude, I convinced my wife to do the horny gerbil last night... shit was so cash.
by StevieMJH May 31, 2010
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When a woman has bush so hairy that its begins growing off her clit.
Suzie hasn't shaved in months and is starting to a Gerbil Tail.
by Blubyu18 February 6, 2010
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