A name given to those with power greater than that of God's.
The Yeet Geese are coming!!!
by Spum Master April 15, 2019
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An exclamation to signify a wild-goose chase (a pursuit of something unattainable or non-existent) involving many people has begun.

Often heard on money-saving or bargain-hunting forums, such as HotUKDeals or MoneySavingExpert, following a post about a bargain that other forumites will stuggle to find, but will search for nevertheless.
OP: Some branches of Tesco are selling the latest Call Of Duty game for £5.00!

Poster1: I will check after work
Poster2: Not at my local - they never have good deals
Poster3: Some greedy t*** bought all of them at mine!
by mvlwk June 1, 2014
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a phrase that refers to the act of having sex
chris-"hey so what did you do last night"

mike-"met a chick, and we started grilling the geese."

chris-"i say my good man, tell me she wasnt an ysabel jones samsonite romanov."

by The_Troop January 27, 2011
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What Italian-Americans call seagulls.
Musclebrain pointed at the flock of seagulls and said 'look at all those ginney geese'.
by Danny Dizeets June 6, 2007
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Don Geese the master of the 19" used to dent numerous vehicles hoods
"do you see that Don? It would tear you apart!"
by Knick May 6, 2004
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Very expensive, large instrument used for rectal pleasure.
Why split my logs I can just sell them and pay off my house geese...
by Tfab April 1, 2017
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A polite and less harsh way of saying, “this is not the time to be silly.”

And/Or: “you are acting inappropriately.”
Jason gossiped and laughed in class while another student was doing a presentation. The teacher reprimanded Jason, telling him “This is not the hour for silly geese
“Quiet down and pay attention.”
by twenty rabbits April 28, 2021
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