Super FOIL Insulation is roof & floor insulation suppliers. Our products can be used as under floor, flat roof, loft & home foil insulation.
Insulation, Foil Insulation
by Radiant barrier November 3, 2010
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It’s not government obstruction, or extraditable. The act of witch blends media’s of all nations
by Daily lama May 21, 2021
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Sheets of foil that are in hair to make it curl
I had prom tonight, so earlier I went to the salon to put my hair in hair foils.
by SanjaysAdmirer June 21, 2019
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An exclamation when someone has a problem (related to math or not) and can't seem to solve it, a phrased taken from the sheer noobishness of someone and the lack of ability of doing math
Dude what is the derivative of

√(x^2 + 4x - 9) / (5x^3 - 8 x^2 +3x)

IDK, just foil :D
by moneybird1122 November 17, 2009
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A really cool and hot person, typically the girlfriend of a hot guy
Woah that girl is totally a purple piece of aluminum foil!”
by eggyo December 4, 2022
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“Woah!!!!!!!! That guy totally has a blue piece of aluminum foil for a girlfriend!”
by eggyo December 11, 2022
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meth melted on aluminum foil ready to be smoked.
hey you kike! I'm tweaking on some foil candy!
by repeels May 12, 2011
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