A fart is just the scream of an imprisoned shit!
by Crash Raindog January 21, 2004
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A strong explosion from between the legs. Which under the right conditions may invoke mind control.

Types of farts
1.) The laughing fart which may cause asses to jiggle or bellys to wiggle.
2.) Hot ass tronmical farts which cause tears an in some cases the same symptoms as anthrax.
3.) The K-Mart fart brought on by gasy mexicans that forgot to wash there ass before entering the store and let it rip. Higly dangerous to the average american.

4.)A free spirit to linger in the air causing stress to others.

5.)The Milk and tuna Fart- the second dangerous fart known to man kind. The only fart that will suck the air out of you and cause a slow rotting death.

6.)The worlds stinkyest fart known to man kind is the one that caused you to be. Gotta thank moms for making it possible.
Was that you or me, I think it was you dear.

Holly shit motha fukker you ever do that shit again Im putting a cork in your ass.

Fukk damn hell are you dead in side

God damn motha fukker does your ass hole come with an experation date.

After the thunder comes the rain
by Old Fart 2Trillion 23 April 22, 2003
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The hurrendous emission of hot, often humid, and horrible smellin gas from the Anus- hole... which smells terrible itself. For any moron who wonders why farts smell, I'll tell ya. It's because farts are more or less shit-vapor.
I'm gonna pull down my pants, and rip a nasty fart on your forehead in the middle of the night. HA!! Hopefully nothing else will come out!
by JESSE March 3, 2003
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A loud honking noise emitted from the anus, originating from the colon. It is made of of heaved gases and ass-smell.
Oh golly! That fart you did stained my jacket!
by B-Drac August 12, 2003
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I farted on my cat and she died...
by Mushroombunny666 January 18, 2005
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What i just did. It was a flapper.
I farted. frrrt!
by Joshua Tapp January 14, 2004
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