States that the confidence in one’s Penis size relative to its physical size is inversely proportional to “big dick energy” levels
“Yeah his dick was on the smaller side but that didn’t stop him from rocking my world, it amazing how confident he was in himself.
Yeah that’s that “Richards Inverse Equation

Richard’s Inverse Equation
by Longdogger88 January 12, 2023
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The thing you ask your stupid friend to define as a test of intelligence.
"Explain Simultaneous Equations."
"I can't, I'm too stupid."
by HappyCrocodile24 March 27, 2023
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the section between a person's ass and dick, often accompanied with pubic hair. It is like a curved path/road from one point to another.
My equator's been itchy since I shaved it last night. Oops, it was not a great idea after all.
by Jayed January 26, 2018
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hey man, do you got any of that equator snow? I'm lookin' to party tonight
by Dirtyfartbubble March 23, 2021
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A economic lecture-distracting individual of the opposite sex.
Thank god we have all those Slutsky Equations in Transportation Systems to distract us from the lecture.
by RonMexicoAndTheSevenDwarfs October 26, 2011
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The equation James Cameron used to generate the graphics of Avatar: Way of Water. They simulate the motion of fluids on Pandora.
James Cameron successfully solved the Na’vier-Stokes Equation, with the money he can add one more eyelash to Avatar 4.
by Ganondox December 29, 2022
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An equivalency that states that the limina superimposes a Newtonian limit on each irrational number in linear time; creating prime numbers.

Q^star = Prime.
In Q* = Prime (The God Equation) the limina superimposes Newtonian limits through ultranihilism onto irrational numbers on the circle of pan-contiguity; creating prime numbers.

The limina infinity-overlapping-with-uncountability is the prime limit.
by flightfacilities May 31, 2021
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