comes from my friend who eats a lot.
Bob: theres only one slice of pizza left
Charlie: DUST IT!
by nathan August 3, 2004
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1: extremely old;
2: lived during the dust bowl
Guy 1: "Look how old she is!"
Guy 2: "I know dude, its crazy!"
Guy 1: "That fuckin dust"
by coleisbae August 5, 2014
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Most of the marvel characters
"Have you seen Infinity War? I can't believe so many people have turned into dust!"
by JMon16 March 30, 2019
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It means pussy or how good a girl look
yea dust
by nlewhopper March 22, 2022
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<Verb> The act of pummeling or winning at a certain game or sport.

(Best Example) While losing a game by a fair amount, talking to a teammate, "Dude we're gettin' dusted."

"I'm Dusting at this game man."
by North22 March 11, 2009
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The stuff that collects on stuff for a while when stuff is left out and then the stuff dust stuffs dusts on the stuff then it gets dusty and stuff.
by Sir Baby Loin March 9, 2003
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the act of persistantly and constantly being overly caring in a creepy and stalker like fashion. may also be known as a rent-a-stalker.
yoh hes dusting her hardcore!

what a dusting freak!
by bilbs & flans March 22, 2011
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