You forget to do your flys up on your trousers.
I saw Peter on his way back from the toilet, he appears to have a bout of penile dementia. I can see his boxers!
by Sazzy J October 23, 2015
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The inability of an older man to gain and maintain an erection due to an inability to concentrate on the task at hand
When you can’t stop thinking about the garden when you should be concentrating on you’re wife’s lady garden, you might be suffering from Penile Dementia.
by David99uk December 13, 2017
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When your computer just doesn't have the power to keep up with the programs you install in it; it takes forever for your computer to boot up.
Ingrid: It's taking forever for my computer to come on.
Barry: I know - I think it has digital dementia; its memory is shot!
by wcsochaplain April 2, 2010
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When you can never tell if your awake or sleep.
Ma. That last dmt trip deranged my putter most selfs reality I can’t allow myself to feel dream dementia or can I even help it.
by Titus dyfilid February 17, 2019
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the act of stating something and promptly forgetting you had stated it mere moments before.
This can happen with any word or sentence, but is most commonly seen in sentences where the person stating something happens to use the word 'balls.'
Kyle: "balls."
Rain: "why'd you say balls"
Kyle: "i don't remember saying that"
Rain: "it was two minutes ago"

Kyle: "I think I got balls dementia"
by AdurnaFeon October 15, 2022
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Regressing into compliance to the Globalist System
Ethan Klein and Anthony Fantano are notable sufferers of Political Dementia
by BetterSkatez March 22, 2022
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the mind 'blanking' on some known information very briefly, such as spelling of a word, grammatical usage; etc!!
upon looking back, one is left pondering, 'how/why did i do that!!??
-terribly self-embarrassing and a problem not age-specific!!
had some momentary dementia when i spelled your as you're!!, when 'your' was required

momentary dementia made me ignore the concrete fact/s in my head
by michael foolsley February 4, 2010
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