Step #1- Find a married guy with a wife
Step #2- Seduce him (fuck his brains out) and make him divorce his wife
Step #3- Marry him
Step #4- Call him Gay and divorce him
Extra points if you can take half of what he owns.
I can't believe mark divorced his wife only to get the craig in the end.
by Cannonbomb10 January 16, 2019
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The act of trying to look like a baller by willingly spending the money you were supposed to pay your moms back with on something you shouldn’t have.
I know dude couldn’t afford that dirt bike, he must have craiged it.

Mom: I don’t know how I’m gonna pay my bills this month since your brother craiged me!
by Jknnnnn June 16, 2020
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To become drunk. To be persuaded to drink until becoming drunk. To stay out at a bar until at least 6:00 AM. To be so drunk the night before that you are unable to perform daily activities because you are so hung over.
by Sabri Nation December 31, 2015
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i did 500 push up today so i am feeling very craigful
by Lil mango man July 7, 2021
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a craig is a builder name so you can use it when you've done something like lifting a heavy weight.
( Like ur mom)
I went to the gym today so im feeling pretty craigful.
by Lil mango man July 1, 2021
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Adjective: A man usually with long sideburns, broad shoulders and a powerful walk!
"That guy is well Craig-like! Look at his side-burns!"
by xweirdsciencex March 9, 2009
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Craig is the sexy character from South Park. He is most known for flipping people off and getting in trouble. Secretly, Craig is a cross-dresser, and he is in love with Tweek!
"Woah man, tht Craig is a FREAKING genius. An idea... MACHINE"
by 234oo February 15, 2006
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