The boost is a term used to describe the placement of your finger in a womans anus just before she reaches orgasm. The boost makes her go crazy!
The boost is a finger in her ass just before she cums!
by rwr October 30, 2007
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In multiplayer games (counter-strike especially) helping someone get up to a ledge or other high place they can't get to by jumping alone.
Boost me to the roof-then I'll awp snipe.
by ViagraMan January 3, 2005
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Meaning good. Usually said in approval of an idea,statement,plan etc
Buzzup : Want to go to the Union and session ?
Prangers : Boosted !
Buzzup : Lets Go !
by Sanch May 6, 2004
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Awesome! Said when something good happens.
by steelwolfwc October 20, 2010
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Any item or service that is considered sub-par or ghetto quality. Boost is most commonly used to describe electronic devices such as mobile phones and computers.
1) Get your stank-ass Boost phone out of my face!

2) I think that new netbook you bought is Boost.

3) That top of the line wireless plan I bought just went Boost.
by AudioGuy13 December 14, 2010
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verb: same meaning as to go, but with a sense of speed.
I heavy boosted along to the indian take-away.
by Ynnhoj September 7, 2005
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