The most scantless demon of all time. Does not give a fuck.
person 1:"who's that?"
person 2" that's Snapshit Part 2: Electric Boogaloo, he's scantless as fuck"
person 1:"Ohhhhh Shit."
by scantlessdemon October 31, 2019
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You know the deal. Same thing as discord user day except its on February 6th.
Discord Mod: Finally! Discord user day is over and we dont have to worry for another year!
Discord User on febuary 6th: HAPPY DISCORD USER DAY 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO!!
Every other user in the server: VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!!!!
by Sir Wagon February 4, 2021
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The act of having a bear named cheeseburger that has diabtetes as a friend, as well as being drunk and throwing shovels at random cougars on the side of the street
My Dad loves Redneck Boogaloo
by YourNotTheSmartestHuman June 13, 2022
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The uncle boogalo sleepover move is meant to be one of the most intricate sex move ever to be created. First you have to gather 2 short guys and 2 tall guys, then you have the short guys jack off into a plastic pail while the 2 tall guys 69 each other in another corner across from them, then at exactly 11:00 am they all have to get in a 1932 Stout Scarab and drive to a sperm bank in which they'll go behind and fuck each other however they want without getting caught. But at 11:40 am they have to get back in their Stout Scarab and drive to a IHOP and every single one of them have to get the world famous Choclate Choclate Chip pancakes with a side of Sirloin Steak Tips and Mountain Dew. Finally go home and take that pail and dump it on all of yourselves
Friend 1: So what did you guys do over summer
Friend 2: We planned out how we would do the greatest sex move of all time
Friend 1: And what's that?
Friend 2: Uncle Boogaloo’s Sleepover
Friend 1: oh that's great, did you do it perfectly
Friend 2: yes and I'm fucking proud of it
by BigPeePeePooPoo January 6, 2021
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One who wears a Hawaiian shirt and tactical gear
by SirDan2020 September 27, 2020
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A set of made-up urban dictionary definitions used by US citizens to mock the opposing political party.
A normal person: "Americans are back at it with their shitarnation boogaloo"
by kweeko January 8, 2021
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