An overweight, disgusting person who thinks they're entitled to be an asshole because they paid for their membership.

They also tend to ask stupid questions and make pointless complaints and can be seen still shopping once the store is closed.
Member (while standing next to the raw meats): where is your frozen hamburger?

Employee: Did you check the freezer?

Member: No. *walks away*

Employee: What a dumbass Costco Member.
by Deli049 November 2, 2011
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A meta-analysis of the forces driving Donald Trump's election success, anthropomorphized as smiling grape-like fruits. Member berries represent insight by South Park's creators into the alt-right's ground game: an avalanche of references to 80s and 90s culture, noted for its repression of non-white, non-heterosexual elements, distract from the far right's contempt for the social progress achieved in the 2000s and 2010s and act as a buffer against confrontation by social progressives over the right's continued resistance. Member berries are especially powerful in the context of "family friendly" environs, such as community Facebook groups, IRC, and informally organized meetings, in that they focus the conversation on media that is likely to be less diverse in its presentation. Member berries remind the alt-right, the far-right, and the white center-right of ostensibly shared goals and create a climate of exclusion and discrimination against non-whites and non-heterosexuals. The very memory of less tolerant times is enough to create rage in the out-group, which feels invited or even obligated to act out in protest. The act outs in turn invite (or compel) "centrist" moderators to remove the excluded, thereby cutting the out-group off from the community and marginalizing its representation in debate. Once the white/hetero element is consolidated, hateful rhetoric is ratcheted up considerably and white nationalist themes become "normalized" in the group.
"'Member Chewbacca again?" "I 'member!" "'Member feeling safe? And no ISIS? 'Member when marriage was only between a man and a woman? 'Member Reagan?" "Oh yeah, I 'member!"

"Something wrong with these member berries!"
by tcaud November 26, 2016
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"LowRes member" is a term used in community or organization to describe an individual or group of individuals who, although not possessing extensive knowledge or expertise, still appreciate and recognize value in the details.
This term implies an individual who may not fully comprehend the intricacies of a specific topic or task, yet still appreciates and recognizes their importance. Additionally, "LowRes member" implies that the person possesses awareness and appreciation for small, often overlooked details or aspects, despite their limitations in knowledge and understanding.
"Many of the LowRes members have yet to venture out of their comfort zones and experience life beyond their current limitations."

"LowRes members" should make every effort to venture outdoors and interact with nature for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.
by KazaShen August 2, 2023
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Stoned Members is a Discord server led by a very mysterious person. The Stoned Members is a place where you can express yourself and be made fun of. We can be extremely racist at times so please DO NOT mind it. If you plan on joining then be careful of Sam for he is a insane person who loves watching videos of enemas, and fistings.

Enjoy your stay.
Sorry, mom but I am apart of the Stoned Members. Please don't beat me.
by shiny190 March 7, 2017
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uMember of the circle (moc/c/circle)
Before this can be defined, we need to know the origins.
In one startrek episode there was a group called 'the circle' whose logo kept popping up everywhere. The circle are a group who reckon that only bajorans should be on bajor.
So if someone's a member of the circle, it means that they are really anti-immigration to the point where they might well be willing to build <country's> great wall, especially if there has been some past bad experience with people coming in and this stems from a slight to severe over-reaction to that past injustice.
Random person: *builds <country's> great wall.
Me: What are you doing?
RP: *starts lecturing me about immigration and how immigrants have no rights to be here and such.*
Me: You are such a member of the circle/You are such a circle/You are such a cm.

((DISCLAIMER: Random person does not represent my viewpoints - he merely represents the circle's beliefs.))
by Walking Talking Dictionary January 28, 2007
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A guy who uses magnum wrapped.
Angel is a lucky girl, her boyfriend is a Gold Member.
by Pilatesbooty January 19, 2015
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