1. A Domestic Animal Usualy Small Furry
2. A Cool Person
3. Cat Copy Something

1.Is That Your New Cat Aww He's So Furry
2.Them Cats Are Good At Pool
3.You Catted My Lyrics You Waste Man
by M.o.r.g.a.n July 24, 2006
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A piece of fluff that constantly scritches you as you walk by. It also bites you to eat your juicy flesh. They bankrupt you by etting the treats. They have many fluffs so they say goodbye to their fluffs and drop the fluffs as they lay on your $100 couch that they scratched.
Stop scratching me, Fluffy! Bad Cat! OUCH. I SAID STOP!
by MemeMaster777 June 18, 2018
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Cute little intelligent creature, will be your best friend unless you do something to upset her. When you see her you will be unable to take your eyes off how graceful she is. If backed into a corner she will attack and she never forgets if you have wronged her in any way. Her sharp claws and almost vampyre like teeth can be deadly.
That Cat is a beauty. My cat scratched me badly. My cat Lucy gives me kisses.
by Catlovertoo February 5, 2010
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To be desperately in need of something.
To have "the jones."
Blud, I haven't had a cigarette since this morning. I'm catting for a fag.
by Bartleby Tidders December 7, 2005
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kitten persevering
what is cat, if not kitten persevering?
by Queen Buttrix April 14, 2021
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When you are with the boys and all the sudden something funny/good happens and u just need to say something.

Where did cats come from? I don’t know. It just came out. First time was when I hit a dinger playing some good ol’ ball.

Also can be used in a bad situation like if someone’s grandma dies to lighter up the mood.

Just a funnier way of saying for the win basically
Boy 1: Boys what y’all wanna do today?

Boy 2: I don’t know. who’s chillin?
Boy 3: Oh damn aye boys all the gals are together and wanna hang.

Boy 1,2 and 3: let’s go! That’s for the cats!


Boy 1:my grandma just died boys😣
Boy 2: U good?
Boy 3: That’s for the cats boys!
Boy 1, 2 and 3: hahahhahahhaha
by Stinkypinky77 May 2, 2019
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