how that one annoying teacher says "Z" just because they want to be different.
doubliu,eks,vai and Zed
by wrympire December 4, 2018
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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y zed
by whodenym November 3, 2023
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Early 1800s - Term used be invading french to demonize and displace the native Canadians. Commonly referred to as "Zeros" "Zeds". Last in everything
by Piceous November 23, 2022
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A dogshit failure of a champion may every zed main rot in hell
Zed trash
by Adc main April 21, 2022
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1. A character in the 1994 classic "Pulp Fiction" The dialogue goes like this:
Fabienne: "Whose chopper is this?"
Butch: "It's Zed's."
Fabienne: "Who's Zed?"
Butch: "Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead."
2) The verbal pronunciation of the letter z.
1)Fabienne: "Whose motorcycle is this?"
Butch: "It's a chopper, baby."
Fabienne: "Whose chopper is this?"
Butch: "It's Zed's."
Fabienne: "Who's Zed?"
Butch: "Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead."
2) wxyz (the alphabet)
by LikeDAtAssSHit October 2, 2019
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Zed is a fucking idiot who probably likes anime and sips on his bottle of crack once in a while and sits around all the time worrying about life and his kids in malaisa. People annoy him about the fact that his name is a literal letter, and also similar to the name of a very famous DJ.
"Hey have you seen zed"
"Yeah, he is just eating his vegan meal right now"
by OrganizedVolcano December 6, 2021
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