The sense of absolute confusion that one feels when flipping the radio dial from National Public Radio directly to the Rush Limbaugh or any other right wing radio show. This has been known to cause liberals to feverishly vote for Barbra Streisand for every elected office on their ballots. In their delirium and panic in this condition, conservatives tend to vote for Sarah Palin's youngest child Trig. The ailment is easily treated by a steady diet of smooth jazz.
"I don't know what to do. I want to be fair about immigration but I am really concerned about illegal Lithuanians getting access to our health care system."

"You've been listening to NPR and Rush again, haven't you?"

"Yeah I think I have NPR Rush Whiplash."
by Cirdellin January 7, 2010
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An unwanted, intrusive thought that makes your head (involuntarily) flip back.
“Dude are you ok? You just twitched.”
“Yeah, sorry. I just thought of something awful. Intrusive Thought Induced Whiplash, that’s all.”
by m1rlax0 February 2, 2022
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What your body experiences when you travel from one destination to another that has a completely different climate. Typically Northern to Southern Hemisphere switches.
Oh no, I just got to Norway after an insanely long flight from Australia. I feel like I have a terrible case of fizzy whip (physiological whiplash). I'm going to need to nap so hard!
by epiwonk August 3, 2018
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While getting a woman from behind with a pony tail, pulling the ponytail and thus her head back until ejaculation then abruptly letting go sending her head forward into a wall or headboard.
"dude, I have to go visit brittany in the hospital, I was nailin' her last night and I gave her a rear collision whiplash into the heard board, broke her nose, and gave her a concussion!!"
by Shawn Barth August 22, 2008
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When you see a really hot chick and it causes an erection so sudden that it bangs your weiner head against your zipper causing Weiner whiplash.
Hey man.....that chick have me a case of weiner whiplash.
by Dr.Doit August 26, 2020
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Moving from a very negative and depressing stream to an extremely positive and happy stream, or vice versa. This usually occurs when moving between casual streams and serious roleplay streams (due to raiding or hosting after a stream).
I got major streamer whiplash after crying in Ranboo's lore stream and raiding KarlJacob's comedic JackBox Party Pack stream.
by NghtShadess March 6, 2021
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that bop by nct that screams alabama because taeyong said it was about his sister
shawty give me, whip-whiplash
by okhyunjun August 20, 2021
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