A tomboy-slut is a girl who hits on guys by laughing at their stupid jokes even when it is at the expense of her friends. She may also brag about how much she knows about sports and video games in order to impress guys. But if you took the time you would find out that the only game system she's ever had was a pink Game Boy Advance. She greets her "guy-friends" by punching them and addressing them as "dude."
There are rumors that tomboy-sluts have male genitals.
Lisa: I didn't understand the homework last night.
Hughey: Probably cause you're retarded.
Diana: Ahahahaha that's a good one, Hughey!


Lisa: What kind of friend are you if you don't even stick up for me?
Diana: I am your friend, but I'm a tomboy-slut as well!
Lisa: Fuck you bitch!
by Stella6543 November 12, 2007
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An ITS tomboy is a tomboy who is all-around controlling and wants to be your only friend. They exhibit habits and symptoms similar to a ginsbolinem or uses emoticon and are rather judgy.

The "ITS" Stands for Inter Trust Segregation.
Ugh, James is such an ITS Tomboy he told lies to my other friends to make them leave!

Jennifer why did you message me " ;-; " it seems you are an ITS tomboy.
by sponicfna232 July 23, 2021
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An amazingly awesome looking woman. The highest praise you could ever receive is to be called a sexy tomboy beanpole.
Jen, you are a sexy tomboy beanpole, and your ass isn't bad either.
by Joe April 8, 2004
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Effectively a male with two x chromosomes.
Ritcherd strawmann - hey bro I wanna fuck a tomboy with a dick and no boobs, is that gay?
Gaven thinliyvailemioppuinun - biologically it's not gay, however in every other conceivable way it definitely is.
Ritcherd strawmann - k
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A non-male masculine representing person
Tomboy is not an insult or a derogatory term.
A lesbian tomboy is called a stud or a butch
which are also not derogatory terms

I fell in love with a tomboy...
by Tylenolia July 19, 2022
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person 1 "do you remember your tomboy phase"
person 2 "yeah no wonder I'm trans now"
by transformer January 13, 2022
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