It's when someone or something becomes a waste of time. Time is money bitch.

Also bad choices, foods you don't like to eat, When someone makes a mistake, Those things can all be a loss of profit.
You buy a car for way too much money and it breaks, loss of profit!
by Breannaleigh August 6, 2007
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Someone who thinks that they make a lot of money, but they are actually a poor moron.
That nigga is broke as shit, hes a profiter.
by profiter11 June 27, 2023
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A person who follows Profism, or is part of the religion of Profism
"Would you like to talk about our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ?"

"Sorry, but I'm a Profite."
by Prof your Lord and savior April 19, 2022
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Is the muslum martial ritual of the wife giving her husband anal sex.
Dean asked Shaneen to marry him so he could her profits backyard

I think Allah would approve.
by Sheepdog71 November 28, 2017
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Police using chemicals and surgical experiments to force marriage of Guardian and child Homewood health center Guelph Ontario Canada specialty
Justin Trudeau is a false profit chasing the Granger's across five nations starting with Manchester Robin Hood truedeau and chief executive officer Granger Manchester United Kingdom England
by Cody5050 January 29, 2022
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To Benefit off something fake/fictional or To accuse someone of not speaking truthfully.
Definition 1: "batman and spider-man are both great false profits."

Definition 2: "I'm tired of you and your false profits, just tell me the truth."
by SonHunter April 20, 2018
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