Another way to describe a hickey.
Damn, girl....that boy sucked your neck and gave you a "tramp stamp".
by Lavenia May 9, 2004
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When a male or female gets a lower back, hip, or crotch tattoo.
"Did you see Odell's tramp stamp? He sure is suspect."
by unbotherable June 10, 2017
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After pulling your dick out from doing anal sex. The fecal matter left on the tip of your dick is quickly squeegee off and than smacked on the tramp stamp leaving the chocolate tramp stamp.
Joe made an example of that bitch and gave her the chocolate tramp stamp.

Did you leave a chocolate tramp stamp on that 5 star bitch?
by WASTE DEEP November 21, 2018
Word used to describe girls that are particularly slutty, whorish or down right hookers
Andrew: Did you see that chick?

Josh: Yeah, she definitely has the tramp stamp of approval


Joe: So you and your girl broke up huh?

Tim: Yeah, she had that tramp stamp of approval. I had to cut her loose.....pun intended.
by itzzzzzTPayne June 13, 2010
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when cars have tramp stamp style stickers on the lower middle area of their back window. usually quite ridiculous with swirly stuff all over and a cross or a rose in the center.
"hah do you see the vehicular tramp stamp on that dirty suburban?"
"yeah thats absolutely disgusting, just because they're a tramp doesn't mean their car has to be..poor thing"
by holymoleydood October 9, 2009
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A song purchased while being intoxicated that is a waste of money which you regret later.
Dude, you downloaded Taylor Swift?

I was drunk....

You're gonna regret that.

Yeah, it's a Musical Tramp Stamp, I know....
by BadassBurg May 19, 2011
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A lower back tattoo of the "DO NOT ENTER" street sign.
She has an anti-tramp stamp, she must not not want it in the ass
by Parth S Patel January 15, 2009
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