SHEEPLE - What flocked up Americans have turned into.
When we take money from the rich and give it to the FEDS then it just gets pulled out of the economy and is wasted on sheep shit. The rich spend money to hire workers, who in turn buy things, which keeps our economy ramming and jamming. It's time to wake up sheeple.
by pinball queen August 7, 2009
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people who add line after line of definitons like morons.
Baaaaaaaaa!!!! Your all sheeple!!!!
by josh July 20, 2004
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People who ignore the acts of government in there lives and proceed to do nothing to change what they do to represent them in an office of power.

Synonym: Conservative
by Jonathan Miller April 7, 2005
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a word associated with anti vaxxers or people trying to make their candidate look good in politics
wake up sheeple! vaccines cause autism, and heres my proof (insert least credible proof possible)
wake up sheeple! senator (insert name) should have won over (insert different name) because (terrible reason that proves why their candidate was a terrible pick and the other deserved to win)
by i made this acc for 1 article December 21, 2020
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A person who prefers subservience or even slavery to freedom and self-determination. A pejorative term for a British person who voted to remain in the European Union, although may be applied to anyone with the same inclinations toward subservience.
His friends could not understand why he followed the other sheeple-jacks and voted to remain under the ever increasing control of Brussels.
by Gio Marron June 24, 2016
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Any Trump Supporter that refuses to delve deeper than Fox News or online to verify the continuous lies and falsehoods perpetuated by the President. Trump Supporters who blindly claim allegiance to any comments or claims put forth by Trump as those falsehoods support the false narrative that fits their own ideologies and beliefs.

Those Sheeple that mainline Trumpisms or Trump Kool-Aid without a care or concern for truth. Those that elevate Trumpism over party or the desire for a fair & equitable democracy. Those that have their own racist, bigoted or misogynistic beliefs that coincide with Trump's views.
Trump-Sheeple do not question or search for what is true or factual but would rather believe any false narrative put out by the President, or by Fox News for the President, that supports Trumpism.
by Veritas Aletheia August 12, 2019
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A sheeple herder is someone who protects the feelings of 45 supporters by assisting in deflection or removing facts from a conversation, so their heads and feelings don't get hurt.
When it comes to Karen's friends, she's the Sheeple Herder, always helping them keep their heads in the sand.
by Ayantmira March 24, 2020
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