This is the theory that because a lot of people spend a lot of time on the toilet listening/watching podcasts while simultaneously making use of their toilet, if Joe rogan was to appear in a public place while doing a podcast, that would trigger a major mind muscle effect that would cause everyone within earshot distance that does listen to him while using their facilities to need to take a shit.
John: “I hope the ‘Joe rogan poop theory’ isn’t real.”
Me: “Well, let’s hope he’s not taking the podcast on the road anytime soon”
by weird_eli January 6, 2023
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When you are performing anal sex on a person whilst your friend/colleague fists it
"Kevin and Jaq gave me a Rusty Rogan last night, now I can't walk straight"
by TheWillus January 27, 2022
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He is an ugly boy who lives Texas and smokes pot
becky:did you hear ROGAN smokes pot
Jaspal:wow he is bad boy
by Someone who’s weird November 27, 2019
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Rogan is super funny and really creative, They have big personalities and They don't need to pretend about who they are. They always think about the positives and never let anything get to them.
"Hi Rogan!!" or "Have you seen Rogan today?".
by *Someone_random* December 13, 2022
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When a dog dominates a person it is a roganizer. The person being dominated is a rogan
Rogan:" I got a new puppy its a total roganizer."
by ToxicPeePee November 22, 2019
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To derive and opinionize science or pseudo-scientific facts and/or opinions to form a real world narrative that conflicts or aligns with laden fact, often to generate public dialogue or controversy.
The big pharma lobbyists presented a sub-par roganization of data at the hearing which prevailed in a speedy commute to public consumption.
by Troll Daddy February 28, 2022
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