The most amazing best friend you could have she is always their for you and she is pretty, funny, caring, beautiful, gorgeous, nice, kind, loving, sweet girl ever i love her she is my best friend and the best Rachel you could find she never lets you down and she is always their for me, she has mine back and i got hers.When i am upset she helps me get over it and when i see her cry i cry because i don't like seeing her in pain because someone that amazing should not be in pain if you have a friend named Rachel and she is like mine don't hurt her she can really help you out when your stuck :)
by urbandailyguy1 November 27, 2011
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(n.) one, usually a girl but can be a really fem man, who spazzes about everything, but in a fun, lovable and entertaining way.
note: these spazzes are not bad like flipping out on someone, they are energetic ways of telling interesting or non-interesting stories
look at how her hands are shaking, she's such a rachel.
by banana!!! April 1, 2009
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She's such a Rachel.

Thats soooo Rachel-riffic.

Dude,you aint no Rachel! (This one is a burn.)
by I'm such a Rachel. April 27, 2010
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Rachel's are usually beautiful,cute and have a wonderful personality and can be very trustworthy and a great friend!!
I trust Rachel more than i trust my own family!!
by Raven!! August 2, 2013
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Usually has a nice ass. Also can be extremley sarcastic, but most of the time her beauty fills the space of awkwardness. Has a thing for Field Hockey and Volleyball, and is just about the best type of friend out there. She's my lucky lady, and i love her to bits.
Jake- "omg who is THAT girl? :D"

Logan- "that's deff a Rachel! :)"
by Laxbros4lifee July 25, 2011
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A Rachel is usually an amazingly wonderful person! She is sweet, cute, kind hearted, and an all around good person! She likes many different things and a certain person likes every one of her qualities and cant seem to find any flaws at all!...and she is more wonderful then a person named joe!
That girl is gorgeous she must be that girl Rachel we heard about!
by love_hate_fate April 11, 2011
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A very pretty female with a nice body. She can be sarcastic, short-fused, and depressed at times, but If you are friends with her, she'll always be spouting language and cracking jokes about the last round of TorD you played. She has imaginary boyfriends, so boys, you'll have to work EXTRA hard to get to go out with her. She prefers a set group, rather than a twisted mass of half-friends. Easy to fall in love with. Very sexy, cute face, and quite a hot bod. Dark sides: Short fuse. That's about it.
'Is it just me or does Rachel seem extra sexy on Tuesdays?'
by JumpyBurger9 January 12, 2015
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