Panic! At The Disco (P!ATD) formed in 2004, in Los Angles, California. P!ATD started with lead singer and songwriter, Brendon Urie, vocals, lead guitarist, and songwriter, George Ryan Ross III, drummer, Spencer Smith, and bassist, keyboardist, backing vocalist, and songwriter, Dallon Weekes. The band released 2 albums, A Fever Can't Sweat You Out and Pretty. Odd., before Ryan and Dallon left in 2009. They left because they felt like their music was drifting apart from Brendon and Spencer's music. Then, they released Vices and Virtues. Spencer unfortunately left the band after fighting a drug addiction. Since then, Brendon released Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die, and Death of a Bachelor. He is working on his new album, Pray For The Wicked. Brendon is currently to last original member of P!ATD. Brendon was also apart of Fall Out Boy: Drunk History, also many other cameos.
Andrew: That's Panic! At The Disco, or Brendon Urie. Pre-order Pray For The Wicked on ITunes btw.
by erinr312 April 14, 2018
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One of the best fucking bands ever. The only member left is our lord and savior Beebo. If you don’t like Panic! At The Disco then what the fuck is wrong with you
Fake Fan: I love Panic! At The Disco sooo much I’m like their biggest fan

Fan: omg what’s your favorite Panic! At The Disco song?

Fake Fan: Ummm I am OBSESSED with I Write Sins Not Tragedies!

Fan: Oh yeah I love A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out

Fake Fan what the fuck is that lol
by Filthy As Charged September 16, 2018
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A recently new band that most people would call emo.there music is a mix between dance n emo rock witch is a good combination
Sit tight, I'm gonna need you to keep time
Come on just snap, snap, snap your fingers for me
Good, good now we're making some progress
Come on just tap, tap, tap your toes to the beat
And I believe this may call for a proper introduction, and well
Don't you see, I'm the narrator, and this is just the prologue?----Panic!At the disco's song (the only difference.....)
by XxXxXLuViSdEdXxXxX April 8, 2006
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X1 - Hey, man, did you hear the new Fall Out Boy song?
X2 - You mean the one that goes "haven't you ever heard of slamming doors" or something?
X1 - Yeah, dude! It's so awesome!
X2 - I know. Whoever thought they would integrate synths into their sound?
X1 - I didn't, LOL!
X3 - That's Panic! at the Disco, faggots. Another made-for-MTV band to trick kids into thinking they have a reason to be depressed and feel like elitists for being in on "hip" music.
X1 - Dude... what?
X2 - Yeah, guy, Fall Out Boy rocks.
X1 - That one guy has a pretty sweet faux-hawk too.
X1 and X2 (in unison) - We're both 28 years old and try to pick up 12 year old girls, which comprise 99.9% of Fall Out Boy's/Panic at the Disco's/gay "emo"-"punk" band's fanbase, at these awesome shows. Also, we own iPods because we're so rebellious.

Let's cut the bullshit, people.
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Oh my god, am I the only person with a brain on this website? Panic! at the Disco could be the worst band ever. They are the same thing as Fall Out Boy, but even worse. Their singer has to have the absolute worst voice of all time, even beating the FOB singer. Their lyrics suck huge ass. How anyone likes them is beyond me.
Gay Kid:" I chime in with the haven't you people ever heard of, closing a god damn door?"
Me: "Shut the fuck up before I kill you"
Panic! at the Disco sucks
by stevedawg13 May 19, 2006
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Ah,Panic! At The Disco...the current favourates of MTV,teenage girls and less scene indie kids.
Listening to them is like being poked by a stick: it's not going to kill you,but it's fucking annoying after a while.
There is a lot of reasons to hate them (or throw a bottle at them),one being that all the members are ugly,that they are all cunts and,oh yeah, all giving blowjobs to Pete Wentz. The only people I know that like Panic! seem to be more interested in how "hot" they all are rather than the quality of the music,and they'll probably be into Cute Is What We Aim For next week.
If you think Panic! At The Disco are great,answer me this:
~Why are all their fans female?
~Why,if they are so awesome,do they get played on MTV? We all know MTV plays music that is mediocre at best.
~You like Panic! At The Disco...are you a fag/dyke?
P!ATDfan:"OMGosh,Panic! At The Disco are soo,like,emo!"
P!ATDfan:"They;re sooo,like,haWT!!!"
P!ATD:"I'm so, like, trendy! Oh I'm so COOL...uh,I mean emo"
Me:*kills P!ATD fan by slicing off head with Bouncing Souls CD*
by bandanasarerad October 18, 2006
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A band popular with 8th, 9th and 10th graders. They are rather new and said to be "emo". If you start listening to authentic doom metal by the time you are about 12 or so, this band is a travesty to you.
My peers : OMG THE Panic at the Disco concert is in november Im so psyched!!!!!!!!111rofl!!!

Me: Now why am I the only 9th grader who doesn't understand what is so great about this band?

by Perry C. October 19, 2006
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