if your name is nat you are the coolest person to ever exist, you are so fun and so gender and everyone wants to be ur friend because you r so cool and rad and hot
Person 1: oh em gee is that a nat!

Nat: yeah I am a nat😎
by cl@ra November 22, 2021
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The star of my eye, the apple of many trees, a feeling that can't be described, my one and only friend/etc. And many many more than the infinite of imaginary inventory words of this universe, that can and can not describe her infinite worth. Poop
by #1poopylove March 29, 2022
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Steve: "Check out the huge Nats on this chick!"
Craig: "Holy Shit! She's got to be at least a DDD"
by Captain Motorcycle June 9, 2015
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a giant flaming homo with gender issues
did you see nat? they look like homeless elton john today
by thebigboy425 November 23, 2021
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word used to try to win a SCRABBLE game by my girlfriend.
End of game, I have NAT and AT, I just won the game.
by BdsBoyfriend December 28, 2018
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A fat ginger monkey who likes nothing better than to spend their time with their thumb up their ass.
Jesus, Rodneys is such a nat, when is he gonna get himself a life.
by Jonny Large Biscuits April 10, 2008
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