10 definitions by Captain Motorcycle

When a lawn is cut after being over grown while the grass is still wet. So wet that the grass comes out of the mower like clumps of cooked spinach and stalls the mower.
Damn, I haven't cut the grass in 3 weeks. I'm gonna be bailing Spinach Saturday
by Captain Motorcycle July 11, 2022
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An idiot's favorite verb. It means things are going well or good. Used by internet users who have no imagination
I met a chick on tinder and we started vibing right off.
by Captain Motorcycle October 16, 2019
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slang for "I'm butthurt a movie I liked didn't get nominated" often used by critics when Oscar nominations come out. Hashtags and trends typically follow
Critic: The Emoji Movie got Oscar Snubbed! It should have won best picture!
by Captain Motorcycle January 13, 2020
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Steve: "Check out the huge Nats on this chick!"
Craig: "Holy Shit! She's got to be at least a DDD"
by Captain Motorcycle June 9, 2015
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Legs/things of an overweight woman in leggings or tight pants that are so tight you can see cellulose marks.
Sam: "Ever see cottage cheese in a bag?"
*Woman walks past in far too tight leggings*
Garret: *gags* Fuck you, dude.
by Captain Motorcycle April 15, 2019
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Term used by clickbait sites to justify low content articles to be pushed out via video instead of being a written or fleshed out
Video essay is not used in a sentence by anyone with an IQ over 10
by Captain Motorcycle March 8, 2019
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