Lola is the name of a magnificent strong woman. Has hair of brown and a heart of gold. there will defiantly be a time where she will have to pick between two guys.

She will one day be married two a Jamier
by Jamjjam February 9, 2019
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Gets dicked down by every hoodman in toronto, not to mention bare old mans from alderwood
lola is a nasty bitch fam
by ErnestoSegovia June 18, 2018
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An affectionate name for a type of a vehicle that is not a truck, car, van, station wagon or SUV. May also be called a crossover. Inspired by the song Lola from the Kinks.
by The driver of a lola April 28, 2011
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Fake as fuck and will leave you for someone else she knew for two months, if your a good Lola ask your friends if you are, they will be honest if you are a good friend, they will tell you what you want to hear, so YOU SHIT STOP THINKING YOUR MORE IMPORTANT THEN OTHERS AND FUCKING RELAX WE DONT FUCKING CARE
Lola is a fake bitch who thinks everything wrong with people is her fault and pushes them away then complains, watch out
by milkksenpai October 7, 2020
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A woman who upon closer inspection turns out to be a man. A tranvestite, if you will.

It's origin is the Kinks song "Lola"
"Well I'm not the world's most masculine man but I know what I am and I'm glad I'm a man and so is Lola"
by Biblo February 15, 2005
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Wow did you see that naked girl?!!

Yeah it was Lola
by Mreps June 1, 2020
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