She can move mountains
Even if her size is small
I'm happy with that

Boy1: Isn't that the famous Leann?
Shiva: Small isn't she? But she did moved my stone cold hear.
by Biskyottie June 9, 2021
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The simple act of being overbearing, distrusting, unnecessarily snarky, nosy, a dumb bitch, a toxic little shit, slightly narcissistic, completely irrational and otherwise a COLOSSAL WANKSTAIN of a parent to your adolescent child for the outstanding reason of:

absolutely nothing. Only used when the child in question has done ZERO total things to warrant the distrust.
"I'd love to participate in <normal teenage activity> but if I do my parent will be leanne-ing for days."
by kuiper08 September 9, 2020
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Marcus and Leanne are a perfect couple. They belong together. If there is a Leanne with the last name beginning with a c then Marcus hurry up and ask this girl out because they are what each other needs. Leanne loves Marcus but doesn't know how to tell him. Marcus loves Leanne but doesn't know how to tell her. If I were the Marcus in this case I would go ahead and ask her out.
Friend: Geez bro is that your girl? What's her name?
Marcus: No I like her tho, her name's Leanne.
Friend: Ask her out, she probably likes you to and if she says not what do you have to lose?
Marcus: Thanks bro, I will now

Marcus and Leanne: A perfect couple
by ExpertOnLove<3 February 20, 2016
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A nice and crazy girl she like playing games all sorts of them she is very cool and chill, doesn’t like to brag the best person to pair her up with are peoples name that starts with f and has a in it
Woah leanne is super chill today at school”
by Definitons.8 November 20, 2019
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The most kinkiest out of the group.
Kathy said Leanne is in CLPrison for being kinky.
by AppleShmapple March 26, 2021
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A short girl who usually has bangs and does stupid shit. Everything she does is questionable. And she likes chewing ice.
Leanne: "hehe ice "
by Dinolover-0987895 May 22, 2023
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A tall, black, sexc lady with a nice personality. around 5’7 and has a W cousin w/ a awsome chyna
look at the tall black girl, she must be a LeAnne.

look at LeAnne shes so tall.
by imsosexcbby November 17, 2022
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