- jude is someone who annoy himself and plays a guitar.

- a mountain of cabbages.

- a distinctly remote similarity of james mason's voice, because of a loop hole.
- "hey, its jude on the stage"

- "i harvested jude."

- "steven, your voice is jude"
by jlsc June 29, 2009
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A common phrase used by Magee students to enter into a conversation. Jude is used when one intends to join a crowd by saying a single word. Jude is also used when escaping an awkward situation.
A: Do I know you?
B: ...jude.... (followed by an involuntary smile and occasionally a peace sign looking like this V-_-V)

Jude is often used in a swift, smooth, statement, so that the word is not overly emphasized.
by Jom-L July 11, 2008
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Racist word for a Jewish person, although it be the german word for it.
Was written on the arm bands forced to wear by the Jewish people in the Holocaust.
I was called a "jude" yesterday.
by hmm April 4, 2004
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Person one cheated on person two, they are a Judes.
by Mr. M.E November 9, 2021
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"Do it, man! Smoke them suckas! ... You the baddest! Five me, jude!"

Note: quote from Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinlli (Newbury Award winner)
by TTW August 26, 2006
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Br Jude is the nicest teacher in LSC. Ever. According to Jasper, Br Jude doesn't speak in the lessons. Or more precisely, he talks in a way so advanced that we normal people can't understand. He found a way to solve this problem. In his lessons, he gives us videos to watch and tells us to self learn, when we can't understand the questions, he doesn't care. In the exams, we get low marks, he still doesn't care. We love this teacher so much!

(Br stands for Brother)
Br Jude lesson he gives out the test paper.

Br Jude: (calls our student numbers) Number thrie!

Number three goes out to get the test paper.

Br Jude: Number Dee!

All studnets: ???
by JohnMakFan December 1, 2020
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1. A characteristic given to individuals who are kick-ass
2. Any individual who is so awesome that words cannot describe, Of which the greatest is Chuck Norris.
Antonyms: Buttcrack, Shart-Monster
*Note: Jude is not related to Judism.
Person 1: That guy is so Macho-Jude he kicked my ass just by looking at me.

Person 1: Ewww, that guy is so not Macho-Jude. He's more of a buttcrack.
by bumkinofdoom May 10, 2011
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