Work given to you after classes in which you are supposed to complete at home or during your own free time (like students don’t have any). It’s also a legitimate method of mild torture; actually though, it’s straight up torture and I’m not joking around. It’s the reason why so many students get no sleep. For some reason, I, and probably most other students, would rather sit down and stare at a wall for 5 straight hours even though doing homework is basically the same thing except you have to use your brain which just got screwed from being in school for at least 6 hours.

This is how an average student deals with a shitload of homework in one night (which happens a lot if they’re taking decently difficult classes): 1) Sit down and believe you’re actually gonna get something done. 2) Realize or remember how much homework you have and that you will not finish it before midnight. 3) Have a mental breakdown that probably takes away from the time you have to complete your homework. 4) Realize that you would rather do anything else like raking the leaves for hours, run for even longer until you vomit down your shirt, or even taking a 7 foot medal rod so far up the ass that it protrudes out the front of your chest and hits the bottom of your jaw so hard that it will knock you unconscious causing you to eventually wake up in an alternate reality. 5) Receive an F on the assignment even though you worked your ass off to complete it and receive the same amount of homework the next night
Why is homework a thing? It is the single worse thing about school and if you disagree you either took the easiest classes in the world or you were one of those people blessed with ultra nerd super powers that allowed you to finish your homework within one or two hours which then allowed you to waste the time every other student would kill for by playing dungeons and dragons until midnight (even though you could actually get good sleep because you have the time for it) and then wake up early in the morning to play computer games and somehow be energized for the day (some people are actually like this and if you’re one of them, never, ever complain about anything that happens cause you don’t know what it’s like to be tortured with homework).
by AD421 November 4, 2019
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Basically, it's something we do what teachers tell us to do.
Homework is something Timothy hates..
by loblock_pillows March 13, 2018
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Homework is work you get to do at home cuz you are assigned it at school. All kids don't like it because we want to live outside of school and not do more work at home. Teens have probably started a #cancelhomework2020 movement
Homework is CANCELLED
by pop off kween November 13, 2020
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The ultimate torchure tool that these hooligans called teachers use to punish you for working on the same exact crap for 7 hours, and ask you to turn it in the next day just to give you some of the save freaking material.
Whoa! What're you doing?
Oh, this bully gave me his homework..
*Gasp* Derrek?
No, Mr.Peterson!
by 1337 5H4D0W September 8, 2015
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A mental torture device used to penetrate unnamed poor defenseless children. You go to school for 6 freaking hours then you come home and guess what? You need to do more work!


(I stole that joke haha)
Mom, I have to go home and because of Ms. Fatperson, I'm getting a homework assignment where I study the solar system and why Uranus is on its side. His T.A., Mr. Sartorius gave us some answer we wrote down on the sheet and we need to read the book they gave to us for 20 minutes and solve the answers to the ones we know. So I'll read none and get an F for FANTASTIC!!! and it'll be a great day for me.
by Homework (it sucks) January 26, 2018
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Homework is a form of bullshit that dick-head teachers unload on you after spending 7 fucking hours wasting your valuable time on stupid fucking shit we'll never need to know. Do you seriously need to know the food chain to get a fucking job at Wendy's? No we don't, so these teachers can go fuck themselves because I'm just gonna wipe my ass after taking a shit with my fucking math paper assigned by old slut Parkinson.
Homework can go suck a fatass dick!
by MystikFlame March 7, 2017
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A complete waist of time and money that liberal governments force on already overstressed and generally pissed off kids or teenagers.
Guy 1: Did you guys do the Homework? Guy 2: There was homework? Guy 3: Yeah! Guy 4: FUCK I DIDN'T DO IT! Guy 5: Just kill me now and get it over with.
by FuckCommonCore:) October 4, 2017
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