
A very laid back & optimistic individual. This person can be spontaneous and impulsive at times but appreciates organization & some structure while always seeing new opportunities that while allow him freedom and independence.

Derreks have been defined as action-oriented and strong, ready to lead and inspire, although stubborn at times.

He is generous when it comes to the people he cares about and make friends with just about anyone— but only has a handful that he actually trusts.

Also they are known to be amazing drivers, despite what you may hear.

Derrek also has great taste in music, can be a nerd (but in a cute way), talented, strong and smart (but can be a dodo at times). He's very genuine and will do anything to make the people around him happy.

He's artistic, a passionate lover, kind-hearted, and quite the catch. He's not ashamed to admit he has a soft side and tends to wear his emotions on his sleeve.
I can't tell if Derrek is just trying to be funny, or if he really is just a dodo.”
by Milk Makes The Cookie Wet July 31, 2019
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The hottest most irresistible man who ever walked the planet. Always caring and loving. Also tall asf. Deserves the world of y’all got a derrek don’t let him go
Brady: Damn have you seen that tall piece of work over there
Scooby: Fa sure man that sexy mfs name is Derrek
by Genthru November 1, 2022
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Another gay male who runs on the Middletown track team. Once asked the team whether they wanted to watch the sunset with him. Has sex with young males frequently.
Guys, doesn't the sunset look beautiful tonight?
What the fuck is wrong with you?!?!?
by Anonymous August 29, 2003
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To make (someone) fall in a comical and humiliating manner via takedown throw or trip in which the victim is caught by surprise and maneuvered easily through the air.
Jim sweeps johns leg causing him to faceplant

Jim: lmao u just got derreked

Later John hip tosses Jim into trash bins

John: What a derek! You went flying
by Psudonemous Bosch November 17, 2020
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derrek is a annoying ass nigga who loves girls he cant get :)))))
derrek looooooves this one girl. His annoying ass cant get her
by bigoldoooode March 1, 2019
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A she-man that goes to ACMS and happens to be a big fat ugly poser.
Hey guys look at my new 3 square shirt...isnt it great?

No you moron, go to hell and get butt raped!
by some guy February 10, 2004
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Derrek Russell

a defining characteristic of an individual in high places of leadership. A characteristic of a loving husband that increases longevity and enhances matrimony. A man who sticks to his guns and will always love his family
John Doe: "Mr Smith, that is very Derrek Russell of you!
Mr. Smith (CEO): "Why thank you Joe! I appreciate that compliment!"

Patsy: "WOW Beth your husband is Derrek Russellesque!"
Beth: "I know. . . He knows how to keep it going strong!"
by Mr. Head. . . Richard Head! February 5, 2010
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