To head-butt someone and break their nose with that sickly, satisfying crunch...

"Fuck you"
"No, fuck you"
"See? Fuck you."
by Richter September 20, 2003
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To bath in deoderent or anti-perspirant.
either done in the morning naked or fully clothed when the can is inserted into the clothing and sprayed about a bit.
It was late on a friday and lil jimmy didnt have time to shower, so he banged out the lynx and had a glasgow shower instead. the ladys where none the wiser
by Dazcorp December 10, 2006
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A lame ass cover band from Port Clinton, OH. They try to be funny but really aren't. Don't sleep with these guys because rumor around town is that 2 of them have STD's. What else would you expect?
JOE: Yo dude! Glasgow Kiss is playing at Nicks Roadhouse this weekend?

BRAD: They're a bunch of lifers that play cover music at redneck bars. Who cares.
by jack849385 January 2, 2011
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To expel a large phlemgy spit onto anothers face.
Ahh'm gonna floz a glasgow oyster in yer face
by The Urban Dandy July 22, 2010
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To smack somebody over the head with a glass bottle.
"D'ye hear Willie's in the hospital wi' some stitches?"
"Naw, what happened?"
"He was badmouthing Tam's bird when she wallopped him one wi' her ginger bottle, a right glasgow handshake"
by Boabby the barman December 20, 2014
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A Glasgow Smile Is A Nickname For The Practice Of Cutting A Victim's Face From The Edges Of The Mouth To The Ears. The Cuts, And The Scars They Leave, Form What Resembles To Be An "Extension" Of A Smile. Sometimes To Further Hurt Or Even Kill The Victim, They Would Then Be Stabbed In, Most Notably In The Stomach, So That The Face Would Be Ripped Apart When The Victim Screamed.
After The Victim Was Given A Glasgow Smile, The Victim Was Stabbed In The Abdomen And Let Out A Scream. This Caused The Victim To Rip Their Own Face Apart, Ensuring Their Death.
by ZackDiamond December 1, 2009
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one of a glasgow surrounding area and tends to tan wine yet do it all the time. corrects grammar and punctuation , is always spot on with an argument and to stick the nut in anyone who starts with him especially in cathouse

kieran breslin is a well known character in glasgow : ask who he is and someone is bound to inform you.
here did you see kieran glasgow breslin ?

aye mate he was bouncin' doon argyle street shouting "nae fat chicks , fleeto , , tan wine and dae it aw the time , kieran breslin in yer scheme al pump yer burd n make hur scream L'AAHHTT YAAAAASSSS!!!!!
by youngstampyderry1 November 12, 2012
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