A ginger bitch who looks attractive from a distance but is ugly up close. Also talks like a deva and vapes excessively. Her favourite place to vape is in class.
Eden is vaping in history class.
by DownyDolphin February 20, 2020
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Eden is a unisex name despite all yall saying Eden is a girl. However on this occasion the Eden I’m talking about is a boy that is ether gay or a tranny. He has some wham forehead and likes this ugly ginger called Charlotte. His friends refer to him/her as freckles or sheden. His mum is super overprotective and he is a pussy. He also makes sex jokes that are weird and is trying to be his funny friends excluding Robson.
Eden? U don’t know Eden tbh he is pretty irrelevant
by Blowface7479 November 21, 2019
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Eden is a non binary person who loves jokes and at the same time keeps to themselves and is usually in the background they also hate sunlight and most things joyful if you have one in your life hang out with them often and text them a lot because they have no other friends
Eden is a vampire
by Sigsmond November 3, 2019
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The most powerful GF in FF8 Using Eden is the only way to break the damage limit of 9999 in the game.

Rivals the Knights of the Round when it comes to "longest summon ever".

Actually I think its hell of a lot longer. The only reason you would want to sit and watch the whole damn thing is for boosting its strength.
You really got to sit there and jam on that boost button 250 times in a random frantic manner.
Try not to get screwed over by pressing the button at the wrong time...
by Angelo November 6, 2004
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Eden can either be the most extroverted, terrifying, weird, reference filled alien in existence... or the quietest, most awkward, squeakiest mouse ever. One moment she’ll be hiding in the corner, most likely crying- And the next she’ll be beating you with a shoe, and singing a song about choking and dying on ginger ale. Neither you or her know whether she‘ll look in the mirror and think, “Damn, I look good today,” or, “Good god, I look like shit. Time to pull up the punk rock playlist, and ignore humanity.”

She’s loves acting, and will constantly shove musical references down your throat. Speaking of references, she will fall in love with a fandom-Talk about it for months-Before immediately forgetting it, and falling in love with something else. It’s really, rather annoying. But what’re you gonna do?
Now, moving onto friends. She doesn’t give a fuck about her well being, and would gladly let a few glass shelf’s fall on her to protect you. Then she’d scream, “ARE YOU OKAY?!” She’ll frighten you, she’ll make you laugh, she’ll attempt to help you when you’re dealing with things, and she will beat the living shit out of someone who messes with you. However, she has dealt with toxic relationships before, and will kick you out of her life if you start abusing your relationship with her.
Also, she hates that there aren’t more male of nb Eden’s on here. And she also hates that people on here describe them as fags. She’s Panromantic/sexual as hell, and will fight for the rainbows.
Person 1: Hey, um... where is your arm?
Person 2: oh... Eden took it as a snack.
Person 1: I’m sorry, what?! She’s eating your flesh?!?
Eden: No, you psycho! The meat is much more nutritious. I only eat flesh on my cheat days.
Person 1/2 in the most sitcom voice: Oh Eden :D
by Miss_Ambivert_42 January 8, 2020
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Eden is a girl who loves cake pops and loves lettuce when it is covered in chocolate. Her chicken must be dark. Her mother is very helpful at times. Her brother try’s to help her at times. She loves Chinese yo yo’s and salmon cut rolls without the veggies.
Hi Eden, want some white chicken?
No Eden! Don’t kill me!
Can you at least not chew my ear off?
by Choke unlawful September 28, 2019
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