Drugs that make you feel a certain way also known as XO which Is The Weeknd's logo and company
Jeff "I got that XO"
Mike "that what?"
Jeff "ecstasy and Oxicodone"
by AdrianXO April 15, 2016
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The children of genx who are officially genz. They are known as gen ecstasy because their parents are the smallest generation that produced the largest generation. Their parents had a long run of creationism with late baby boomers, each other and all generations of millineals.

For example: There goes Katy's mom. Who is that cute baby she's holding? Oh that baby is Katy's little sister her mom has a twenty-two and a two year old. "OH"

They are extremely tech savvy. They don't do chat for privacy. They might say meet me at youtube video xyz have the conversation and delete it. Marketing to them is difficult because of the options they have had. For example growing up they did not listen to the radio they listened to what was on the mp3 player or streamed. Thus you have some folks listening to the seventies music, others listening to anime, and some not listening at all so they are extremely diverse, independent, and stubborn.

They have begun to enter the work force as teenagers not at McDonalds; but at media and tech conglomerates because of their knowledge of coding and skill with the internet.

In addition they are the generation that was least likely to get disciplined so you can interpret what that means to you. Example: Will Smith said he never disciplined his kids.

They are also characterized by an otherworldly beauty characterized by parents who chose/choose their partners not for money but for looks so they are hyper attractive, hyper masculine, and hyper feminine.
Two older members of gen ecstasy were discussing how they frequently get mistaken for being the parent of their younger siblings.
by Therealbitchmouth June 26, 2018
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When a group of friends, usually from high school, burn all of their books and notebooks together in one bonfire at the end of the year.
At the end of their sophmore year, Alec, Ian, and Jordan decided to create an Ecstasy Bonfire to celebrate the end of the school year and the beginning of summer.
by Jordan Maylath October 17, 2007
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the best kind of ectasy ever! Guys can still operate on it. Comes from Japan and you can even get with your girl's best friend! sometimes you can have evisu shaped bruises like my friend.
Jim Pam and her best friend Jill all took evisu ecstasy last night and boned for like 6 hours straight! He never lost wood.
by bitlover November 4, 2007
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Puzzle ecstasy is a rare condition in which extreme puzzle enthusiasts become so enraptured by the activity of puzzle-making that they are unable to respond or engage with the outside world for significant lengths of time.
This guy I knew who was into puzzles, was a nice guy and all... but eventually, he became so into it that he was inflicted with puzzle ecstasy--always intensely concentrating, always aloof. By the end of it, he wasn't really there at all any more...
by Vikramaditya April 9, 2010
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Where everyone is having a love in and hugging,kissing and fucking each other and is extra awesome because everyone is on ecstasy.
by The Fury 13 December 16, 2010
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The conflicting emotions one faces when one discovers that they have been terminated. First is a feeling of euphoria then dread, then mixed emotions that cycle frequently.
"John, you're fired you jackass!"

(John smiles a crooked smile)

"What's wrong with you John?"

"Unemployment ecstasy despair, boss"
by Cirdellin January 5, 2010
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