(Not to be confused with domestic violence,m since more often than not, domestic violence is single-handedly one-sided): when both partners in a relationship commit physical, mental, emotional and psychological violence and abuse against each other, usually following acrimonious arguments.
IMHO Slava Voynov's recent case is double-barreled assault and battery, not domestic violence, since both he and his girlfriend required medical attention following the incident.
by Sexydimma January 13, 2015
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A sexual maneuver where the male is receiving oral sex from a female with a cleft palate. Since there's a naso-oral communication, the male can shoot his sperm out of her nose from the inside-out, making it appear that she just shot out a double-barreled snot rocket.
After pulling off the double barreled cum gun, I asked her if she wanted a Kleenex.
by Clefty the Lefty December 11, 2007
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"Double-barrel buck shot" is actually mixing 2 related terms. "Double-barrel" is any gun using two barrels; they can be "over-under" or side-by-side. Here Beck is referring to a shotgun, because he follows that by saying "buck shot" which, btw, is generally written "buckshot" (one word). Shotgun shells are generally filled with small pellets that spread out after they leave the barrel. Buckshot is larger, heavy pellets used for home defense or hunting large game - like a "buck," which is a male deer. Hence the name.
To punish Beck for inventing the term double-barrel buck shot, I grabbed my grandfather's double barrel from over the fireplace and unloaded two rounds of buckshot into Beck's ass.
by Pointless_Contributor October 11, 2015
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When you tape a willing participant by the neck to the wall in the "wall sit" position so their face is ass height. Then you proceed to also duct tape there mouth completely shut. Next up participant #2 (must be male or the finer points are lost) steps up and sharts in their face.. causing:
To stream
And thus striking and tickling the guys balls just right while he jerks it.
Baby let's do a double barrel shart barf tonight.
by Hairyballzanga November 26, 2020
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When a girl is being double penetrated and the men orgasm simultaneously
"Me and Chad were tag-teaming this girl last and we totally gave her a Double Barrel Thot Gun
by NeoSpy November 28, 2018
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Someone with who has a nose that sticks upward.

If you have that nose you can shoot walruses and shoot with your tits.
Sup double barrel shotgun nose go shoot that walrus.
by The fag that u hate December 14, 2017
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See shotgun wedding. When the female party involved in the shotgun wedding is pregnant with twins.
Ainsley: My single friend Carlene just got knocked up with twins.

Daniel: She's in line for a double barrel shotgun wedding.
by D-Glove March 19, 2004
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