You have the woman on the bed face down ass in the air. Then you stand over her with your legs spread and go up and down like an oil derrick.
Man Erik was riding her like an oil derrick. I am surprised he didn't strike oil.
by namrotom August 21, 2009
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A very egotistical person, who thinks he is funny and if better than anyone. He will hit on all the girls and try to act "gangster". He will never figure out how stupid and wrong he is you see, because of his mental disabilities from his birth, and when he was dropped as a baby for his head was larger than a normal child.
Stop being a Derrick it's so annoying.
by Alex Ibanez March 28, 2005
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A thugged out chink that resides the violent streets of westmoor
Derrick you Chink.........thug life mutha fucka's!!!!
by Cypher1102 April 15, 2005
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An edgy guy in their late 20s early 30s who gets all their information on the internet. Usually seen in packs of 7 or more hanging up on people at downtown bars. Usually know the basics of different fighting styles.
Guy 1: Something with the something I saw on the internet says that my way of thinking is superior.
Guy 2: Bro don’t be such a Derrick Fox.
Guy 1: Nice copy and paste.
by ShroomCaps69 August 15, 2022
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a guy who is willing to stay at a makeup shop with a girl while his friends are wandering around the rest of the mall
by riceboiii March 13, 2017
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derrick is a claw hammer, whose decision is usually final. when faced with a decision, derrick always obliges a suitable answer. derrick can decide if a vehicle part is suitable for resale, if a window should be open, or if the office calculator needs replacing.
is that switch fucked?
i dont know, let me ask derrick.
(swift firm downward smashing action to the switch)
yep, its fucked!

boss, can we have a new calculator?
but derrick decided we need a new one?
by george was a goldfish May 12, 2013
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He is a very good guy. That works hard and will do anything for you. He doesn't care what people think and will never do you wrong. He is a southern guy and he treats his women right. He is very sexy and is very awesome at sex!!! He loves to fight for what he thinks is right and he always wins! You never know what he is thinking and very confusing most of the time. But he is te best guy that any girl could ever have. There is noone like him and he is one of a kind.
Derrick Kvasnicka is a great guy!
by moomoo2013 August 7, 2011
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