One who believes that the rights of the state come before the rights of the people. Generally, people who are conservative are against gun control, abortion, and gay marriage. However, the particular set of beliefs is dependent upon the specific person.
In contrast, smart liberals like to promote equality, as well as helping others.
Conservative: I is smart
Liberal: Sure my ignorant friend.

Otto von Bismarck, Prime Minister of the German Confederation, tried to end the influence of Karl Marx and socialism. Ironically, his efforts only made the Socialists stronger.

by smart_liberal March 16, 2008
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Generally self righteous people, largely hypocritical and racist's that drive Volvo's that worship market forces like it is a pagan deity at Bohemia grove.

Many belong to secret societies such as the Freemasons.

Also known to sit on the P&C committees of local schools to further their political careers.
Did you see that cock-eyed geriatric in the Volvo, I bet he is heading to the lodge for a conservative fund raising gala!
by Sean Ambrose January 30, 2008
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The act of kinda sorta being a "fiscal conservative" except when actual fiduciary responsibility conflicts with your asinine social morality.
When the president drained the secret service budget through extended vacations at his own private resorts, charging usury room rates to the people assigned to protect him, the conservity lineup on Fox and Friends said nothing.
by PavlovBadjewski August 21, 2017
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Usually meaning someone who wants to to conserve traditional policies or ideas. A conservative hogwarts teacher would probably want to keep using the sorting hat while new, more hip teachers might like to use a personality test made specifically for hogwarts students. A conservative in modern politics would probably want to outlaw gay marriage, in favor of traditional family values. Keep in mind that not all conservatives share the same opinions or ideas.
Did you hear conservatives are trying to outlaw gay marriage again?
by Starfish1818 October 15, 2020
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1. Literally, indicative of a sparing application. Frugal.

2. In the U.S., commonly used by many members of the Republican Party to contrast themselves with liberal politicians, commonly of the Democratic Party.

3. Originally used by Republican Party (U.S.) members to mean conservative application of laws, or minimal government.

4. In modern times, used to indicate existing or past values as opposed to new values. In this sense, "conservative" refers to personal behavior rather than the use of laws. A synonym for this definition would be "unchanging."
Usage notes:

When using the word, it is important to note whether it is used to refer to a political theory/system or personal values/behavior.

In the case of number 3 above, both the Republican and Democratic parties hold conservative _political_ values (in that they want minimal government regulation), but about different subjects. For example, the Democratic Party typically believes in conservative (minimal) use of laws regarding drugs, sexual practices, and film/TV. The Republican Party does not follow conservative political theory in those matters, but does for issues of taxation, guns, and employment practices.

However, even though both parties hold conservative political values in some cases, neither maintains a consistant philosophy based on conservative application of government regulation. Both the Republican and Democratic parties in the U.S. use the word to refer to enforcing conservative _personal_values_ (such as those influenced by religious background or otherwise, see number 4 above), but with differing opinions as to whether or not it is a good thing.

The original political use for the word conservative, as in number 3 above, is more similar to the political adjective/noun libertarian in use today, which describes a philosophy of minimal government,
by ed July 26, 2004
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"A conservative is someone who was born with two legs, but never learned to move forward"
by alex14 August 28, 2006
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A person who blames all of his/her problems in life on the liberal media.
Susan is such a conservative! She thinks her cat died because of Dan Rather.
by TheEye5000 November 20, 2004
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