A term used to describe the "Flailing" movements one makes while dancing.
when my favorite song comes on i have a ddr competition.
by .Paro March 2, 2009
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competitive sandwich making is a sport only for women who can make sandwiches very quickly. the sport started in Palo Alto, California. The world's fastest sandwich maker is known by his nickname Zibi. which is also the only man to play the sport.
sorry i have a competitive sandwich making match today... I can't hang out!
by Vert53 April 26, 2011
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Cloud chasing competitions are events where vape fanatics gather to speculate cloud chasers competing to exhale the biggest clouds using vape mods and rebuildable drip atomizers.
My friends go to cloud chasing competitions every weekend and sometimes compete to win bottles of e-juice or a new mod.
by longislandguy94 May 25, 2016
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Means the same as piss like a racehorse; e.g., when you have to pee really badly.
Sheesh!!! Todd had to uranate like a competitive equine this morning!!! Must have been all the brewskies he had last night!!!
by Telephony January 20, 2011
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A type of an object show that don't focus on competition, just on the adventures of objects.
We need more non-competition object shows! Nobody needs more competition object shows!
by Ryan900USAYT September 24, 2023
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Finding a smut from South Jersey to give you some dome while chillin' on the couch. Chillin' on the other end of the couch is another South Jersey smut giving your wingman some dome. Both Jersey smuts are vigorously competing to see who can eat the penis pudding first.
by Delmarva Inbreeds July 26, 2009
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When someone’s left a turd in the toilet

You put a sheet of toilet paper over it and piss on it until you see the turd through the paper
“Hey guys what did you do during lockdown?”

“We played the wet t-shirt competition game, fun for the whole family
by THeCaKEisAliE010 December 4, 2020
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