Epitome of beauty. A hardworking and talented dancer and a good singer, who is currently married to Kevin Federline. Young girls look up to her not always because of her sexuality but her creative style.
"Have you seen Britney Spears' performances when she was young? Wow, her voice sounds really pretty!"
"All celebrities have plastic surgery, Britney Spears was pretty even before she was famous!"
"I'll always support Britney Spears."
by Yodol November 12, 2004
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The best pop star in the world! Just as good as Avril Lavigne, Lindsay Lohan, Kelly Clarkson, Justin Timberlake, Linkin Park and Simple Plan. Won tons of awards, her songs totally rox! You rule Britney!
Britney Spears RULES!
by *duNNo* July 29, 2006
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A hot,curvaceous blonde pop star with a nice ass. She has one of the most gorgeous faces that you have ever seen. Even if her music isn't that original, or if some people say she can't sing, she's still beautiful and compassionate. She can't be that bad of a musician if she has such high album sells and such a large fanbase.
Britney Spears, I love you, and I'm gonna have sex with you forever.
by Ryan October 25, 2004
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The world's most famous pop culture icon, whether shes on stage or shaving her head! She is purely entertaining!
Whats more entertaining; Britney Spears' performances or her personal life?
by SillySally55 August 7, 2007
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A supreme pop star -- nothing more, nothing less. She's not a whore, she's not a slut...she's not sum coroporate exec's "puppet"...she just...britney. Nobody says shit when Usher pulls down his pants on stage in front of a bunch of horny teenage girls...so why teh fuck do people talk about britney so fuckin' much, and for what? showing her belly? she works harder than half of you fucks who sit on your ass, listening to death metal, and have the nerve to say bad shit about someone who's actually doing something with herself....and to all the chicks who "hate" her....ur just fuckin mad that you dont have a body as good as her...hit the gym, and then when u get abs like hers, u will show your belly too...
I bought the new Britney Spears cd the other day...
by mikeyboi December 18, 2004
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1)A talented singer who is idolized by many people of all ages and genders, but mostly preteen and teenager girls. She is often called a "stupid slut who can't sing", usually by shallow no-talent losers who can't carry a tune themselves.

2)An act of changing one's self image a lot, usually into a more risque figure.

3)An act of spontaniously getting married in Las Vegas and then divorcing 55 hours later.
1)"Do you like the song 'Everytime' by Britney Spears?"

2)"Everyone knew Amanda pulled a Britney Spears when she showed up with a tight, metallic low-cut designer top and a micro-mini skirt.
by Miss Eighties June 22, 2004
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Iconic, legendary, full of talent, skinny,
Omg Britney Spears is the most iconic person in the world
by Sammy or Sam January 26, 2018
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