Brighton, is a drop dead gorgeous girl who any guy would be lucky to have. And if you’re that guy, you better hold onto her cause she is so special. Brighton has been through hell and back but continues to smile and “brighten” peoples day. She is loving, caring , loyal, beautiful, selfless and honest. She is probably the nicest person you will ever meet. She loves sports, Netflix, cuddling, shopping, tea, food and living her life to the fullest. Brighton is usually spoiled, but she doesn’t brag about it. She accepts it and moves on. She excels in school and always has good grades. Always being aware of the people in and out of her life , she is such a sweetheart to anyone and everyone around her. Though she is sensitive, that doesn’t stop her from standing up for what she believes in and she will stand up to anyone that bothers her family and friends. She truly is amazing. On a scale of 1-10... Brighton is an 15. If you ever get a chance to become friends with a Brighton, don’t pass up the opportunity.. she will change your life for the better and make you feel wanted. If you’re that guy, hold her close to your heart and make her feel like she’s 1 in a million . She is incredibly special and you won’t regret it.
Dude, you’re so lucky to be dating Brighton.. I want one.
by Jxkzkskkfisie November 27, 2018
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A great and really interesting town on the south coast of England. Famous for being LGBT friendly, but also a great place to relax by the sea, take in great views from the i360 tower, or eat breakfast, lunch or dinner with a view of the English Channel. Very hilly with nice colourful buildings. The locals are also very friendly.
Brighton is a cool place to go on holiday.
by Diamond volcano February 26, 2021
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A 17 year old who is 23 at the same time and a person who is secretly 3 inside.
Me Is he 23

some random person No he's 17
another person Beats me he acts 3
Me I bet he's a Brighton
by Sasssssssqatch September 9, 2017
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The absolute sexiest man is alive. No one can even withstand how gorgeous he is. He is also very good in the bedroom.
Brighton: Hey what's number 2 on the math test?

Sasha: Omg I'll give you all the answers if you let me touch your beautiful face.

Brighton: Nah I'm too sexy for that.
by Heart4Diamond January 11, 2021
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a well known place for James Siva Cuthbert and his weird uncle to bum each other in private. Especially over a bench in the public square near costa
James: Uncle are we going to be able to do a Brighton today
Uncle : sure James we will do it today if your a good boy
by October 15, 2021
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brightons are super fat kids who normally have tourettes no body likes people with the name brighton cause theyre so tiny and fat and smelly and they have smll nipples and a small attention span they are very loud and obnoxious and no one wants to hear or see their ugly faces
"ew is the BRIGHTON?!"
by njhbgvfcdxs November 10, 2020
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A great friend who is definitely fun to be around, radiates Karen (from mean girls) energy. She might have bad luck but she really try’s her best and lightens the mood +has good dance moves.
by Ihateeveryonebutu1231 November 23, 2021
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