people whom have very large bonkers very similar or the same as mommy milker
hey tom that girl is part of the bloumtous bonkers committee
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If your parents are out. And you have the house to yourself, you have bonkers.
"I have bonkers to night so I will throw a party."
"I have bonkers come over."
by eswn September 4, 2020
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When something catches you off guard and you have no idea how to express your emotions.
friend: My cat died today.
you: Oh My Bonkers!!
by bunnyfox' July 26, 2021
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A person who by over consumption of cannabis is reduced to talking utter rubbish or making non-sensical statements even while not neccessarily being under the influence of said substance. Person who speaks as though they regularly use cannabis even though they may not.
Stone Bonker: If Princess Diana had been a stronger person she would have survived that accident.

You: You're a complete stone bonker.

See stoner
by Jodders September 29, 2009
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when all the high school girls start talking shit behind each other’s backs.

also used by the acronym bgb
Hey Keisha! I heard you said Sophia was talkin’ shit.
Yeah, bitches gone bonkers...
by Lil Thong October 14, 2019
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(Adj.) When things have been become so strange, or weird that it nears the territory of being unreal. As if the world has gone insane.
After experiencing something so surreal, all I could say to describe it is that "Shit's Straight Bonkers man"

Todd: "Did you hear about what Jason's ability ended being?"
Liam: "Yeah, like how it's supposed to make his life like a game?"
Todd: "Yeah imagine that. Shit's straight bonkers dude, unbelievable!"
Jason: "Can Confirm! Shit Is STRAIGHT BONKERS DUDE"
by Jay Reign January 23, 2023
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when something is just so obsurd and you cannot possibly think of a word to describe it, you may resort to saying crazy bonkers

nobody is sure of the origin of this expression
Dave: Yo, dude, I was fucking this bitch and she farted!

Joe: ... that’s-

Dave: crazy bonkers ?

Joe: Exactly
by I’m kinda retarded April 16, 2019
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