Addie is super good at fortnite she is amazing 1v1 her u will die
by addzzzzz October 30, 2019
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addi is a CRACKHEAD and only has crushes on guys for 2 hours also she is a SKINNY QUEEN. addi also hates her grandma...... :/
addi is rich
by ur_mom_gay463 December 9, 2019
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Addie is a cool best friend and when you are sad and she comes and takes,plays,or even just comes to say hi you feel not sad but you feel like you could do anything. When you meet Addie you will say I want to be her friend and say some day I will be just like her
Abby: How is that beautiful girl over there

Owen: That is Addie she is the most wonderful girl you will meet
by Excellent21 December 14, 2017
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An ugly beast that will terrorize any city it comes upon, usually a large giant with facial features that are gruesome and an Addie is commonly used as an attacker in fantasy worlds or stories.
Don't mess with an Addie it could get you killed!

An Addie was my report because of its gruesome origin! I'm scared of Addie!!
by AAAAhrun June 22, 2018
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a person resembling a woodland creature; an extreme hip-hop dance move
squirrel; Did you see that girl do "the addie"?
by Possum_62 February 2, 2008
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a girl who is really smart and confident she sings great and loves animals
you are so and addy
by whytheworldsocrul August 30, 2018
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