A wide spread epidemic which is leading to teenagers sitting in there damn houses all frigin day playing this amzaing console. It is the devil and i believe america will continue to get fatter if all these super sweet systems come out.
Friend: What are you doing today after school?

You: Well guy i just got xbox 360 and xbox live hooked up and im gonna go home and pwn some people on call of duty 2.

Friend: Are you sure you dont want to leave your house. I mean its only been 5 1/2 months since you came outside.

You: Yeah im good.
by Haywood J Blowme October 25, 2006
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a piece of shit console that gets the red rings of death a month after you buy it it sucks
i had a xbox 360 one it sucked got the rrod in 2 weeks
by xballinnonstopx April 15, 2010
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Playstation 3 with a tiny red ring that turns on when Microsoft decides it wants you to buy it again. Essentially designed as a foolproof plan to keep people from playing their previous system long into then ext generation, the machine essentially self-destructs after fifteen minutes of playing your old "the office" DVDs.
I stockpile Xbox 360's so when one breaks down I can just move onto the next.
by Ravio July 3, 2015
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Another suckish invention made by Microsoft that takes your $59.99 a month then bans your Console and Account.
Woah your account got banned. You must have an Xbox 360
by XboxSuks October 22, 2015
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The xbox 360 is just an xbox with better graphics. It will fail miserablly and will once again succumb to Sony's Playstation series. The controllers suck because they aren't configured with any regard to the player's natural hold. It will again not produce enough games to even rival PS3. People just buy this console because they can't wait to save up enough money to purchase a PS3, they have a false belief that American products are of better quality than Japanese products, and lastly, these fools just have to have Halo 3.
The only reason I would buy a crap console such as Xbox 360 is to sell it on Ebay at a higher price to mindless idiots.
by Beaux December 24, 2006
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A next-generation gaming system that will be competing with mostly the Nintendo Revolution. PS3 is out of the race. Not innovative in controls or gameplay but the graphics are slightly improved. Plus you get an arcade where you can buy bejeweled for 15 dollars, that's a deal!

Bottomline, It's last years Xbox with better graphics.
ZOMG, t's teh xbox 360 it teh roxx0rs look I bought pac-man for a dicount of a dollar for 19.99 that rox!
by aZm November 18, 2005
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takes away all your boyfriends time, stupid game system, includes games like COD: MW2 (lame) and Rock Band 2 (which is okay), devours any teenage guys time
Morgan: Jeremy, are you STILL playing your xbox 360?
Jeremy: um no... (cod mw2 sounds heard)
Morgan: yes you are, you liar! were through!!!!
Jeremy: NO BABY! (morgan hangs up)
Jeremys Mom: maybe if you talked to the girl instead of playing that stupid game, maybe youd still have her
by im awesomee !!!!!!! November 26, 2009
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