The word chav comes from the gypsy or Irish travellers language,where the word was originated from.there are many words we use to day that come from the gypsy or travellers language.
by Willow tree 666 April 17, 2020
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Bare rude kids that hang around the high street after school, wearing a tracksuit and some form of nike shoes. They are fuelled by cans of boost and insults.
Ay you lot my mum said im a chav
Bang her up
Nah shes my mum
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A chav is a typical british teenage girl , however you can get male chavs which are known as roadmen ( roadies)

They are very common and usually smokes .
they wear thic eyebrows and a trackie or a fur jacket init
something they would say is :

chantelle: OI chazza gimme a fag

chazza: Ite my g

chantelle: cor fam look at that chavie over dere

chazza: yeh she got bare bunda
by Itzchaviehun April 18, 2021
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literally every girl that lives in the uk. normally has a messy bun and wears tracksuits. can usually be found at the pound shop, tanning shop or h&m. thinks shes such a baddie but just a rip off pick me girl with a shut arse tan that makes her look like an orange.
by cocks are very daddy February 17, 2022
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A chav is a woman/man who believes they are superior to everyone else in the world. The woman chavs wear orange foundation and thick eyebrows and very thick dark brown contour . They usually have huge thick eyelashes too. There language mainly is a very strong London accent and both genders vocabulary constantly consists of “innit” “bruv” and other slang . Both genders normally hang around McDonald’s and always have a a puff bar in a pocket . the female chav usually has fake designer bags and there’s probably slept for around 50 men.
Yo Stacy they look like chavs let’s not go neer them
by The gangster cat March 27, 2022
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Commonly used to describe a man who is extremely fixated on his favourite teams success, be it school team at any level, local team, or big city team of any sport at any level for that matter. There immense passion and hatred for the opponent can be so strong he can resort to violence or threats of violence to defend its honour should his will of fire be tested. Can often times be thugs to an extent, can be spotted but there poor choice of clothes. Fear the p chav as it can come from anywhere at anytime nowadays, but more recently online with the popularity of social media.
“Ah I hope Arsenal win tonight! Big game in the europa league group stage against Estonian league champions Flora! Must win!” “Hey Bob look it’s a fucking p chav” “fucking great job Ron you got us tickets in the p chav section”
by A man who knows too much. December 4, 2020
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